PoM Radio Frequencies

Effective from Effective to Number Year Operator Issued
27/05/2024    1389  2024  GEN  27/05/2024 
Standing Train Notice 913/2023 issued on 13/04/2023 is cancelled and is replaced by the content below;


Appleton Dock, Swanson Dock and Victoria Dock Shunt Radio Project.

Effective immediately, ARTC has updated the Shunt Channels to assist Train Crews with shunting activities within the Port of Melbourne.

Melbourne Ports Shunt 1
RX 463.8875 MHz
RX CTCSS: 123.0 Hz
TX 453.8875 MHz
TX CTCSS: 123.0 Hz
Bandwidth: 12.5 KHz,
EIRP: 8.3W

Melbourne Ports Shunt 2
RX 464.525 MHz
RX CTCSS: 114.8Hz
TX 454.525 MHz
TX CTCSS: 114.8 Hz
Bandwidth: 12.5 KHz,
EIRP: 8.3W

These discreet assigned channels are available for use. Recordings are captured in the voice recording equipment at NCCN Broadmeadow.

Authorised by: Operations Interface, SA/Vic, Interstate Network