Effective as of 0001 hours on 12/08/2009 on the Transfer of Management of Specific Sidings on the Western Line Victoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following sidings between Serviceton to Berrybank will transfer from VLine to A.R.T.C
Serviceton Lillimur Kaniva Miram Diapur Tarranginnie Salisbury Kiata Gerang Gerung Wail Pimpinio Dahlen Dooen Jung Lubeck Glenorchy Stawell Maroona Tatyoon Westmere Berrybank
To plan access to these sidings the Short Term Programmer Mile End is to be contacted on (08) 8217 4412 to arrange for access out of hours contact the Train Transit Manager Mile End on (08) 82174540.
Once permission has been granted for access and prior to accessing the siding further permission must be sought and granted from the relevant Train Controller as per the applicable rules and procedures.