Birkenhead to Pelican Point Wtrack

Effective from Effective to Number Year Operator Issued
03/10/2018    2088  2018  GEN  03/10/2018 
West Track Birkenhead to Pelican Point

Train movements to address Rust/Contaminated Rail build up
Until further notice the preferred running of trains travelling between Birkenhead and Pelican Point is as follows
- From Birkenhead to Pelican Point, on the West Track.
- From Pelican Point to Birkenhead, on the East Track.

Additionally the Largs North Crossover (77/77A) points should be traversed within a 72hour period.

The purpose of this is to reduce rust/contamination build up which may affect track circuits and level crossing operation. If trains have not travelled over the West Track or 77/77A points within a 72hour period, the track circuits must be re-certified by qualified staff

Authorised by
Service Delivery Manager NCCW:
Terry Rawson