ARTC/Arc Interface

Effective from Effective to Number Year Operator Issued
29/01/2025    221  2025  GEN  29/01/2025 


Standing Train Notice 829/2004 is cancelled and replaced by the following.

Details below are extracted from Interface Agreement IA67, as agreed between ARTC and Arc Infrastructure.

Rail Traffic Movements between Parkeston and Kalgoorlie (Item 4)

(1) Prior to any train movement from Parkeston or Kalgoorlie, the train crew;
(a) must be in possession of a train authority; and
(b) have been advised by the relevant party’s Network Control that the train has a path.

(2) Any shunt movement between Parkeston and West Kalgoorlie shall operate as a train movement with a train number being allocated by the Mile End Data Input Centre (MEDIC) and the load of the train being advised to MEDIC before departure from either Parkeston or Kalgoorlie (whichever is appropriate).

(3) Train movements from Parkeston to Kalgoorlie:
(a) The train crew of a movement at Parkeston which is to proceed to Kalgoorlie shall advise the Arc Network Controller of the train movement requirement and obtain permission to depart.
(b) Provided Arc Network Control can accept the train movement, and the train crew are in possession of a train authority to proceed to Kalgoorlie and after ensuring the point stand indications on the points are correct, the movement may depart Parkeston and proceed to Signal 96 at Kalgoorlie.
(c) Movements beyond signal 96 at Kalgoorlie shall be in accordance with the indications displayed thereon. In the event of a signal failure at signal 96, the train movement may only proceed after complying with Arc Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures.

(4) Train Movements from Kalgoorlie to Parkeston:
(a) Train crews shall report to ARTC Network Control prior to departure from Kalgoorlie and obtain a train authority for the movement to proceed to Parkeston or beyond.
(b) Trains operating from West Kalgoorlie or Kalgoorlie to Parkeston must be in possession of a train authority before Arc Signal 84 or 86 governing entry to this section is cleared for the movement to proceed. The text of a train authority issued at West Kalgoorlie for a movement to proceed to Parkeston shall read 'Proceed from Kalgoorlie to Parkeston take (insert required line)'.
(c) Trains shall not be left standing at the western entrance to the crossing loop or main line at Parkeston owing to the blocking of level crossings.
(d) For shunt movements within Kalgoorlie towards Parkeston that will not travel beyond the 1780.600km ARTC, the Arc Network Controller must advise the ARTC Network Controller and request blocking be applied to prevent the issue of train authorities beyond Parkeston.

Track Work (Item 3)
(1) From Parkeston to the Civil Infrastructure Boundary (1780.600km ARTC):
(a) Track work likely to affect the ARTC Network must be performed in accordance with ARTC Network Rules and Procedures by suitably qualified Rail Safety Workers.
(b) Track machines and or vehicles and track workers may work between Parkeston and 1780.600km (ARTC) as authorised by the ARTC Network Controller in accordance with the ARTC Network Rules.
(c) Any blocking of the section from Parkeston to 1780.600km (ARTC), or vice versa shall be by the ARTC Network Controller in Adelaide.
(d) Prior to approval being given for work or travel to take place between Parkeston and 1780.600km (ARTC), ARTC Network Controller shall advise Arc Network Controller and ensure that Signals 84 and 86 are blocked to prevent access by any rail movement, including shunt movements towards Parkeston, ARTC Network Control and Arc Network Control must then endorse the Train Graph accordingly.
(e) Where blocking facilities are in place for track machines and/or vehicles as per section (d) above, these track machines will not be required to respond to Signal 96.
(f) When the work has been completed, ARTC Network Control shall advise Arc Network Control who may then remove the blocking. The ARTC Network Controller and Arc Network Control shall endorse the Train Graph that blocking of the section has been removed.

(2) From Kalgoorlie to the Civil Infrastructure Boundary 656.567km (Arc), 1780.600km (ARTC):
(a) Track work operations likely to affect the Arc Network must be performed in accordance with Arc Network Rules and Procedures by suitably qualified workers.
(b) Track machines and or vehicles and track workers may work between Kalgoorlie and 656.567km (Arc) as authorised by Arc Network Control in accordance with Arc Network Rules and Procedures.
(c) Any blocking of the section from Kalgoorlie to 656.567km (Arc), or vice versa shall be by the Arc Network Controller.
(d) Prior to approval being given for work or travel to take place between Kalgoorlie and 656.567km (Arc), Arc Network Control shall advise the ARTC Network Control and ensure that no Train Authorities have been issued for the section to prevent access by any rail movement, including shunt movements towards Parkeston, ARTC Network Control and Arc Network Control must then endorse the Train Graph accordingly.
(e) When the work has been completed, Arc Network Control shall advise ARTC Network Control who may then remove the blocking. The Arc Network Control and ARTC Network Control shall endorse the Train Graph that blocking of the section has been removed.

Safeworking (Item 1)
Where safeworking protection is required between the Signal 96 and the 1780.600km ARTC, the parties must implement the ‘blocking’ procedure in accordance with rule 1001 - 3.4 of the Scope of the Network Safeworking Rules,
as follows:
(a) When requested by ARTC Network Control, Arc Network Control will:
(i) apply blocking facilities as required to starting signals at Kalgoorlie; and
(ii) apply blocking facilities in accordance with rule 3005 Work on Track Authority, Section 6.5 Request for Blocking Facilities from a person other than a Protection Officer.

Arc Perway Patroller Access (Item 2)
(1) Arc Perway Patrollers will not travel beyond the 1780.600km ARTC at 1780.600km (ARTC), 656.567km (Arc).

(2) When access is required beyond signals 84 or 86, Arc Network Control must notify ARTC Network Control that an Arc Perway Patroller has been given permission to travel up to the Civil Boundary and request blocking be applied to prevent the issue of train authorities from Parkeston towards Kalgoorlie.

Maintenance of Signalling Infrastructure (Interface Details, Item 4)
(1) Signalling maintenance including track circuits and signals, excluding the ARTC point enhancer (for Parkeston) on the western side of 1779.990km (ARTC)) track circuit box is the responsibility of Arc.

(2) Arc Location Case (track circuit box) is located at 1777.476km (ARTC).

(3) Signalling maintenance including track circuits, signals and level crossing protection on the eastern side of the 1777.476km (ARTC) track circuit box is the responsibility of ARTC.

(4) Maintenance of the ‘Out of Gauge’ detector at 1778.128km (ARTC) is the responsibility of Arc.

(5) Maintenance of the active level crossing warning systems at the Level Crossings is the responsibility of ARTC but is, at the date of this Agreement carried out by Arc on behalf of ARTC as per the Level Crossing Maintenance Agreement.

Work on Arc assets on the ARTC Network, except for Signal 96, will be performed under the relevant ARTC Rules. Work on Signal 96 will be performed under Arc Rule Arc rule 1001.

Level Crossings (Interface Details, Item 2)

The level crossings, including any signs, active warning systems and ancillary equipment, owned or controlled by ARTC at:
(1) Sutherland Street (previously Broad Arrow Road), Kalgoorlie;
(2) Yarri Road (previously Kanowna Road), Parkeston;
(3) Bulong Road, Parkeston;
(4) Private Road (also known as KCGM Haul Road), Brown Hill;
(5) Metals X Road, Golden Ridge; and
(6) Bulong-Curtin Road, Curtin,
Are maintained by Arc under a separate maintenance agreement between ARTC and Arc.

Authorised by: Operations Interface SA/Vic, Interstate Network NCCW