Infrequent Traffic Benalla/Oaklands

Effective from Effective to Number Year Operator Issued
23/03/2015    458  2015  GEN  23/03/2015 



Standing Train Notice 2811/2010 issued 20/12/2010 is now cancelled. The following will apply.

Due to infrequent rail traffic movement on the Benalla - Oaklands corridor the following instruction regarding active level crossings applies.

All Train Orders issued on the Benalla - Oaklands corridor are to be endorsed
"Approach All Active Level Crossings With Caution"

All Drivers of rail traffic movements on approach to each active level crossing on the Benalla - Oaklands line must:-

- STOP prior to the active level crossing to check whether the warning equipment is operating correctly,

- if the warning equipment is operating correctly, proceed,

- if the warning equipment is not operating correctly, the Driver must direct the Second Crew Member to operate the manual test switch for the level crossing

- once an assurance has been obtained from the Second Crew Member that the level crossing warning equipment has operated correctly for a period of not less than 25 seconds and any road vehicle / pedestrians approaching the level crossing have stopped and it is safe to do so, the train may proceed over the level crossing.

- As soon as possible, report the status of the level crossing to the Network Controller.

The above procedure also applies to Track Machines as listed in TA20 - ARTC Code of Practice for the Victorian Main Line Network.

The above information is also captured in Part 3 of NIB OGW-30-30.