In accordance with TN 828/2004 the following amendment to Section 9 of Appendix 9 to the Code of Practice for the Defined Interstate Network shall apply.
Delete existing clauses 9.1.1 & 9.1.2 and insert the following in their place:
9.1.1 Train Movements Parkeston to Kalgoorlie
The crew of a movement at Parkeston which is to proceed to Kalgoorlie shall advise the West Kalgoorlie Signaller of movement requirement.
Provided the Signaller can accept the movement and the crew are in possession of a Train Authority to proceed to Kalgoorlie and after ensuring the points stand indications on points 5 and 6 are correct, the movement may depart and proceed to Signal 96 at Kalgoorlie.
Movements beyond signal 96 at Kalgoorlie shall be in accordance with the indications displayed thereon. In the event of a signal failure at signal 96 the movement may only proceed after complying with West net procedures.
9.1.2 Train Movements Kalgoorlie to Parkeston
Crews shall report to the ARTC Train Controller prior to departure from Kalgoorlie and obtain a Train Authority for the movement to proceed to Parkeston or beyond.
NOTE: Trains shall not be left standing at the western entrance to the crossing loop or main line at Parkeston owing to the blocking of level crossings.
9.1.3 Track Vehicles and or Machines
Track machines and or vehicles and track workers may work between Parkeston and 1780 Km 600 m as authorised by the ARTC Train Controller in accordance with the National Code of Practice track worker Rules. Blocking of the section Parkeston to 1780 Km 600 m or vice versa shall be by the train controller Adelaide. Prior to approval being given for work to take place between signal 96 and 1780 Km 600 m the ARTC train controller shall advise the Signaller West Kalgoorlie and ensure that signals 84, 85 and 86 are blocked to prevent movement towards Parkeston, including shunt movements. When the work has been completed the ARTC train controller shall advise the Signaller West Kalgoorlie who may then remove the blocking. The ARTC train controller shall ensure that blocking of the section is applied on the train control graph.
Any track work beyond 1780 Km 600 m shall be in accordance with WestNet Rules